Arts and culture distinguish our region and merit generous support. The Leelanau Peninsula attracts artists in every medium. They lend their talents to our quality of life, challenge us in many ways, and draw visitors from far and wide to explore their works. Do you know Leelanau County is ranked as one of the healthiest counties in the nation as a result?

At the Glen Arbor Bed & Breakfast and Cottages, we welcome the opportunity to support community groups that promote arts and culture. With every stay, a portion of your payment is donated to support local philanthropic efforts. Our donations contribute to several beloved arts and culture spaces. Among others, we proudly support the newly updated Glen Lake Community Library and the community-owned Old Arts Building in Leland. We are delighted, also, to support the dynamic Glen Arbor Arts Center, and the inspiring Traverse City National Writers Series. Want to know more? Keep scrolling!

Glen Lake Community Library art sculpture on skateboard

The Glen Lake Community Library

Libraries provide a hub for information, space for people to gather, an environment of learning and growth, and expanded digital resources. Many lack broadband in the county’s rural areas. Some are unable to purchase a computer and connect to the Internet. The library is a haven for those needing digital data sources, to do homework online, research an important question or “check out” that bestseller. The Glen Lake Library is here to fill the gap.

GABB Library Children's Room. Community Support Fund 2020 (1)

The Glen Lake Library District – serving three townships — rallied to raise $1.75 million to renovate the library and add two wings in 2020. This ambitious undertaking successfully doubled the square footage, adding a children’s room, a reading room with a cozy fireplace, meeting rooms, and accessible computers. The Glen Arbor B&B Community Support Fund contribution added to the snazzy new patio for outdoor gatherings and quiet exploration.

Glen Arbor Arts Center Sign

Glen Arbor Arts Center 

On the Leelanau Peninsula, so many have a passion, craft or hobby. Some have turned into full-time businesses, while others just enjoy creating or savoring something beautiful. Central to their mission, Glen Arbor Arts Center (GAAC) features exhibits using various mediums to explore a range of ideas.

The B&B is proud to not only support GAAC programs through the Community Support Fund, but our owners are actively engaged in developing a Glen Lake Chamber/GAAC Collaborative Public Arts Initiative throughout the town’s business district. Art Lives.

Photo Credit: Leelanau Community Cultural Center

Leland’s Old Art Building 

The Old Art Building in Leland provides a central hub for the artistic community, just like the Glen Arbor Arts Center. They host classes, exhibits, gatherings, and events all year long.

The Old Art Building was originally a summer arts colony for Michigan State University. The community leased the building to offer various programs, from Shakespeare Festivals to jazz concerts. Together, the community raised a substantial sum, including our Community Support Fund contribution. They purchased the building just before Christmas 2020, finally putting it under community control.

mask art exhibit

Interestingly, the Old Art Building presented “Masks in the Age of COVID-19; An Art Project & Exhibit.” More than 300 Leelanau 8th to 12th grade students shared their breadth of concerns via these expressive masks, created to reflect the fifteen months during which they experienced the extraordinary COVID-19 pandemic.

National Writers Series Traverse City

Traverse City’s National Writers Series 

We believe in the magic of reading, writing, and having books in every home. The City Opera House in Traverse City hosts the National Writers Series. Year round, the program brings touring authors to read, open conversations, and foster a love of reading in the community. The series also sponsors writing workshops and programs for elementary and high school students.

Join Us at the Glen Arbor Bed & Breakfast to experience it all

When you book a stay at the Glen Arbor Bed & Breakfast and Cottages, you are supporting incredible community organizations that keep the creative community alive in Glen Arbor and the Leelanau Peninsula. From Laura’s gourmet breakfasts to our historic inn’s beautiful classic decor, you’ll love experiencing Northern Michigan from our doorstep. We love to offer insider looks into this creative community, local wineries, cycling paths, and more.